
  • Installing and Configuring OpenSSH on Kali

    Installing OpenSSH Installing OpenSSH is very easy with apt on Kali. apt install openssh-server Once installed, configure the ssh server to run at bootup systemctl enable ssh Configuring OpenSSH Root does not have access to use SSH by default, so if you don’t create additional users you will need to...

  • Closing Port 30005 On Sky and NOWTV Routers

    Saw this on the web after looking into some IoT research, it turns out that many routers have this port open, with no user interface that allows it to be closed. Apparently, Sky doesn’t use the TR069 protocol, so it shouldn’t need to be open. I think more research is...

  • Configuring Dynamic DNS for NameCheap with ddclient on Raspberry-Pi

    I’ve recently found my name server host (namecheap) supports Dynamic DNS updating of records, so I’ve added a tool called ddclient to my Raspberry Pi Here is how I have installed and configured this on Raspbian Jessie Lite (Nov 2017) Installing ddclient sudo apt install ddclient libio-socket-ssl-perl I’m reasonably sure...

  • Configuring A Raspberry Pi 2 To Be A Rtl_tcp Server

    As part of the bundle of commands that were created in the olden days (not that old) for RTL-SDR there is one interesting one rtl_tcp that can be used to bi-directionally to control the SDR dongle and to send the data received over the LAN (cables only please, WiFi can’t...

  • Configuring Raspberry Pi Wifi Via Command Line

    I’ve reloaded my Raspberry Pi 2 with Raspbian Jessie to act as a RTL_SDR server (post soon!) but found that wiping the image of course loses my WiFi settings. Here is how to reset these – you will need a screen and keyboard. Thankfully the Raspberry Pi uses HDMI and...

  • Building And Using Kalibrate Rtl On Raspberry Pi

    I’ve never bothered to calibrate the RTL-SDR dongle I use – I’ve only used it to show off / play with so accuracy has never been an issue. I’ve seen a few places mention using Kalibrate-RTL as it uses GSM 900MHz to calculate your PPM for you. Based on Raspberry...